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CAG Membership

CAG will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on to be confirmed!


The meeting will be held via Zoom and we would love to have you join us. The agenda will include a recap of what CAG and the Old Ottawa East community accomplished in 2022-2023 and we will look at what lies ahead in 2023-2024. Please register for the AGM by sending an email to or become a CAG Member today (see below) and we will send you the Zoom Meeting information.


Membership in CAG is available to any person, over the age of 18, living and/or working in Old Ottawa East. The community of Old Ottawa East is located on either side of Main Street, east of the Canal, west of the Rideau River, south of Sandy Hill and north of Old Ottawa South. (see map)


There is no fee to become a member and you don’t need to be a member to participate in the programs and events that CAG offers.


The benefits of CAG Membership include:


  1. Members can occupy a position on the CAG Board of Directors,

  2. Members can nominate other members to the CAG Board of Directors,

  3. Members have the right to vote on prospective Board of Director candidates at the Annual General Meeting (AGM),

  4. Members can provide input to the strategic direction of CAG at the Annual General Meeting.


How to Become a Member of CAG


Become a member of CAG by reading the CAG Mandate, and then complete the CAG Member form located below.

Please Note: You must indicate that you have read and support the Mandate of CAG before you submit the form.


If you have any questions about membership please email admin @

Become a CAG Member
Membership in CAG

Thanks for your interest in CAG membership. We will be in touch soon

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