Making Old Ottawa East an Even Better Place to Live, Work, and Play!
Level Up with Leigh Bootcamp with Leigh Anthony Brethour - Tuesdays
Fall 2023 Session
Dates: September 12th - December 12th, 2023
Day/Time: Tuesdays, 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
Location: Old Town Hall (In-Person only)
Pricing: $154.00 (+GST), 14 Classes (prorated for late registrations)
Winter 2024 Session (Register Now!)
Dates: January 9th - March 26th, 2024
Day/Time: Tuesdays, 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
Location: Old Town Hall (In-Person only)
Pricing: $132.00 (+GST), 12 Classes (prorated for late registrations)
Class Description:​
This Bootcamp is calling people of all ages who are serious about elevating their fitness and getting to the next level. Within a fun, positive, and energized atmosphere, Leigh will nudge you to give your maximum effort and work muscles you may typically overlook. We will work together challenging one another to push further and work harder. This will be a total body workout incorporating the key elements of your optimal performance - strength, endurance, and flexibility - into each workout. The routine will never be the same and evolve to challenge your muscle memory in ways you've never seen before. Embrace the inner athlete that is within you - at whatever stage you are at - in your journey. Don't miss this opportunity to discover and stoke the fire within you and embody your new physical and mental resilience to help you get the most out of each day.
Leigh is a competitive football player and skate-ski racer/instructor passionate about high-intensity and impact training. He is also a social worker driven to share his knowledge of physical and mental resilience to help incite peoples' belief in themselves. A certified yoga and Bootcamp teacher by training, Leigh was mentored by Katie Ireland, this program's foundational fitness teacher, to hone his unique approach.
Registration Note:
Please be advised that it will take up to 1 (one) business day (from your day of registration) to provide you with the Zoom Link(s) for the class.